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Design Quickie: Make it POP!

EDIT: Stickers are now available for purchase!

A running joke between creatives is how clients, who are not well-versed in designer vernacular, will often try to overdescribe what they want as compensation for not knowing how.

Other times, they’ll use power or action words in lieu of what we would use.

The most popular is, “Make it POP!”, sometimes phrased as a question, “Can you make it pop?”

To celebrate this, I made a sticker design for today’s design quickie.

The one on the left was my first draft, but to simplify it and make it a little easier on the eyes, I turned it into the one on the right. Both are annoying, just not equally. Trying to decide if I’ll turn this into a sticker. (You’ll be the first ones to know when and if I do.)
