the internet

Design Quickie: Vogue Challenge

Design Quickie: Vogue Challenge

This past summer, a new trend surfaced online called the #VogueChallenge. In short, it was a creative way for BIPOC to showcase their work (in modeling, beauty, art, etc.) through imagery using the famed publication as a template during the height of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

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Design Quickie: Bitch, Où? (Sticker)

I made a friend on Twitter who is de Montréal.

My username is @parlerfranglais…which, in terrible, made up French means “speaks Frenglish”. And then, I did exactly what my username says: I spoke Frenglish with her.

But it’s OK—although she titled herself a Montréal bitch, her French is a little questionable as well. She much prefers to parler anglais (I know, I didn’t conjugate “parler”. De rien), so for a small bit, we sat on either end of our connection, typing out really bad French to each other.

And then, we went back to parler-ing anglais.

But one day, she tweeted about being ugly (I kid you not), to which I replied, “I’m ugly every day.” To which she replied, “Bitch, OÙ?”

For my non-Francophones/non-parlerfranglais-ers, “où” is French for “where”.

Bitch, where?

I laughed a little too hard at it, and told her, “I’m going to make that into a sticker.”

And so I did.


It’s designed. It hasn’t yet been printed, but once it is, there will be an update!

P.S. Look at it fast enough, and it’ll look like, bitch, oui? “Oui” is French for “yes”. Basically, it will always be franglais.