
Design Quickie: Paper Donut

I joined two of my colleagues on this ridiculous journey dubbed “75HARD”.

Sparing you the boredom, 75HARD is 75 days of torture you inflict upon yourself via supposed health and wellness. And it’s HARD. You can immerse yourself in the details here. Parts of it are easy—I can read 10 pages of a book no problem. I love reading. (Currently taking in Debbie Millman’s How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer.) Taking the progress pic? Sure, I can do that. But the things that get me are the gallon of water and the exercise 2x a day for 45 minutes each, with one being outside regardless of weather conditions. I’m good for once a day, but twice? You’re asking for a lot, timewise. While I can certainly make time for it, my body has other plans and bed time is 100% between 8-9pm, especially Mondays and Tuesdays when the following mornings beg me to get up at 5:30 am to be on the road an hour later to ensure I get to work at least on time. The outdoor part, in general, is easy to do because it’s getting warmer out, but it’s also been raining a lot. It even snowed the other day for a literal 3m45s. I’m not a stranger for jogging in the rain, either (just ask my clients from Stallion Marketing—I showed up to their house one time, drenched, because I decided I would go for a jog down the island)… I dunno. It seems to be a bit much to ask me to do Pilates out in a tornado.

Anyway, I told myself I should avoid traditional snacks during these 75 annoying days of Hell just to say I did it and can do it. What does my body do? It collaborates with my brain to make me think about donuts 24/7.

I needed to satiate the craving, so this morning I sat down and started playing with some of Illustrator’s 3D tools to build a donut.

I wanted a donut, so I made a donut. A paper donut—cardboard cake, paper frosting, and illustrated jimmies.

While I have a lot to learn with these tools, I found it interesting. Adobe has come a long way with the 3D tool feature in Illustrator. I remember when it was first introduced, it was BAD. Like…I would use it at work for quick signage renderings because they were small enough that I could get away with it and no one would know the difference. If anything, my non-designer colleagues would throw their hands up and shout, “Perfect!” and send it off to the client.

My favorite part of this is the integration of textures. The textures, from what I saw, are pre-set, but they’re actually really nice.

For the cake part of the donut, I wanted something donut-y. Sand was too rough, and the copper was too metallic. I saw a cardboard option and really liked the way it looked. For the frosting, I couldn’t figure out how to map the art onto the donut, so it became a die-cut piece of hand-made paper with too much Elmer’s School Glue (dries clear!) using some sort of paint or concrete texture. It looks a lot like papier maché, so it worked out.

The jimmies are a lost cause for now.

What I like about this look is it reminds me of crafts you would do as a kid with paper towel and toilet paper rolls. It’s got that same childish, school-made-project-for-some-dumb-holiday feel to it, but almost a little nicer. All it needs is my signature in a poorly sharpened, probably flat Crayola crayon that’s been broken and half and somehow melted on one side, covered in bits of snot and playground mulch from the kid who thinks washing his hands will peel off his skin.

It’s a red crayon, by the way.

I think I’m going to explore the 3D tool more. As for the frosting, I believe that is going to have to be a handmade venture using meshes, various steps of color for shadow and light, and a handful of artistic exaggeration somewhere in the process.•

Illustration: Black Jesus Entertainment

Illustration: Black Jesus Entertainment

What was interesting about the whole thing is she wanted the Jesus figure to be illustrated and in an anime style. I don’t have any aversions to anime-style. In fact, I LOVE the anime style of illustration (I like manga better, but alas), but for starters I’m not Japanese. There’s no rule that says non-Japanese artists shouldn’t do Japanese-style art, but when it’s not created by a Japanese artist, it sort of loses its magic, yanno?

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It's Nice to Draw Again

My buddy, Gary, sent me a text the other day (I mean like 2 months ago) telling me how he wanted the Wario Amiibo but couldn’t get his hands on it. He asked if I could make one for him and he picked out the pose he wanted.

On my Etsy shop, you’ll find a listing for hand-illustrated Animal Crossing Amiibo. While that listing is super specific, if I can find the bin files for a certain Amiibo, I can make it. However, I’m selling it mainly for the custom artwork.

I gave this one to Gary on the house because he does so much for me (like going to his fave comic book store to grab me the newest Pokémon cards), so it seemed fair.

Anyway, it was just so nice to draw again. I haven’t done it in a while, so I’m also a tad rusty. But I love it, even if I’m just doodling. I hope to do this more in my free time!



What do you do when a former colleague of yours comes to you with a slight (large) career change in mind with no interest in getting a whole, brand new four-year degree, but is willing to work alongside and under you to learn your trade?

You laugh and say tough cookies, my man.

NO! Absolutely not. You help them and give them the tools they need. I would never encourage someone to go and get a second bachelors degree to change careers unless they were absolutely passionate about it, but I wouldn’t also turn someone away who asked for help that genuinely wanted or needed it. If I can provide, I will.

My friend, former colleague, and now pupil, has been in touch with me to see if i could teach him things about graphic design for a couple of months now. The good news is, he has a creative base to work on, especially when it comes to composition, which is what we’re working on now. I’m not an educator by any means, and honestly, I don’t want to make this boring for him. It’s crossed my mind to take what I learned in 15 years of self-education and 4 years of formal and condense it into months of learning. Some would say that’s really unfair, that I had to pay thousands of dollars and push through four years of constant judging, belitting, and the utmost drilling of information and ideas just to hand it to someone to do over, say, 8 weeks time.

Nah, it’s all good. I have knowledge and skill and if I can share it, I will. I did it at my last job, and the job before that, and the job before that.

He’s not going to become a master graphic designer under my guise. In fact, that’s a task he’s going to take on by himself. There are TONS of graphic designers who are successful, but self-taught.

I need to start by having him understand what graphic design is. I showed him the course path LinkedIn Learning has on graphic design and the first module available in the course is “What is Graphic Design?”

Today’s email, I saw he sent back his latest assignment. After a few weeks on the pen tool, with the ellipse and marquee tools peppered in, I decided he was ready to start learning about composition. Yesterday I emailed him an assignment briefly explaining depth (which should be a refresher, as his degree is in photography) and asking him to create a composition using color and shape to show me depth. He emailed back to me a correct, but very basic and boring assignment.


I didn’t specifically tell him to jump through hoops, but I also didn’t expect getting the bare minimum back, especially from someone with lots of fire. So, I emailed him back and said, “Do it again, but this time let’s think outside the box.” I showed him a couple of photographic examples of depth and two examples from design (on top of the other examples I originally sent with the assignment) that show depth and hierarchy. I also attached the image on the left. I did it in 5 minutes, but I used color, shapes, and layering to try and show something that’s not just a bunch of triangles in a size/gradient order sitting atop a box with another gradient effect.

I told him for this assignment, his piece didn’t need to make sense or have a story, though if it did (both make sense and have a story), I wouldn’t be mad because it would further prove his understanding and help define his thought process.

The piece I did to show was done in 5 minutes using about 4 layers and some doodling around to make it make sense. To me, I was thinking of a stylized galaxy, with a ringed planet. This isn’t the Mona Lisa of my portfolio, but I hope he sees it and is inspired to make something much better.

Design Quickies - Gotta Go Fast!


Over the summer, I needed a creative kickstart. I felt like my portfolio was lacking and I was the only one who could do anything about it…but what?

So that’s when I got this idea—what if I, before I started my work day each morning, got on the computer and just opened a program, picked a skill to refine and spend 1-2 hours working on a quick project. I dubbed these “Design Quickies”.

These Design Quickies, or DQs for short, had three jobs: keep myself in practice or learn how to do something new, build up my portfolio, and keep my creative juices flowing. My job, at the time of this conception, allowed me more creative release than the last, but was not nearly enough to keep me happy as a designer.

I kept up with this for a little while, trying to add humor to my work. I experimented with size and scale (as shown in the two examples on the left), type treatment, color, and ideas. Each session, I’d do a web search for random things that popped into my head, gather the items I’d need and go to town. The only rule was each DQ could only be worked on during that session. Once the session was over, I would never touch the piece again.

Needless to say, a few pieces remain unfinished, like the family portrait I took form my personal photo library and attempted to replace everyone’s face, including my own, with Gary Busey’s.

I’ll pick DQs back up soon, as I have a few things I want to try out. They’ll be shared in the blog in the future and will possibly earn a spot in the portfolio if they really rock my socks.